Last week during the Q&A session with the Chief, I had asked if the ‘routine’ could be varied a little with regard to the cable ties being removed at the start of each séance.
When this phenomenon had first started we were all blown away by such incontrovertible evidence and physical proof of Spirits’ presence, and it’s become regular practice now for them to be snapped off the chair within the first few minutes of the music starting.
But when I was discussing this with a friend, their comment had been “Why? With his arms free, how do you know it’s spirit moving the bells and rings around the room and not Brian under trance control?” & I could see how any new visitor or anyone reading or hearing about the séance might also come to the same conclusion.
This week, once the music started it wasn’t accompanied by the familiar sound of the straps breaking. Instead we heard the chair moving around and the bells being shaken. Soon followed by the coughing and choking sounds as the Spirit team manipulated Brian breathing.
After probably no more than 10 minutes or so we heard the coughing change into a wheezing whistle and then into the sound of a croaky, harsh voice –not entirely dissimilar to Donald Duck!
Within a few minutes this had become a recognisable voice projecting in to the room. Totally unique and different from the sound of Brian when in trance –and complete with a sense of humour.
The short conversation went along the lines of:
Spirit: “Hello”
Us: “Hello”
Spirit: “It’s hard”
Us: “You’re doing brilliantly, it sounds like very hard work”
Spirit: “you should try it from here!”
We teased him/her/them about having brought Donald Duck to communicate and they responded with more ‘quacking’ sounds and an array of other very strange noises.
Later we had a chance to ask about the independent (or direct) voice and the Chief gave us a detailed description of how they were working and the progress that was being made (see the section on the chiefs conversation at the end of this report).
Not long after the Direct Voice had been exercised we heard to soft and quiet sound of Cheung-Li greeting us. This was only the second time that Cheung-Li has spoken to us in any great length –although he has made a couple of brief appearances’ on trance nights.
We had set out this evening with the intent of asking the team to tell us a bit more about themselves so that we could give them their own space on the blog.
Cheung-Li last week had told us that he had lived in the south of China and described himself as a Philosopher rather than a Prophet (at the time this had seemed a little odd and a strange comparison to make) but this week he expanded on this significantly.
We have some research to do to verify much of what was given to us, but the essential details were that whilst he had lived within the physical world some 4 or 500 years ago, this was in a Dynasty of ‘Mings’. However we would find it spelt now as “Qing” – I’ve not looked into it properly yet but a quick search on the internet does indeed show that after the Ming Dynasty came the Manchu or sometimes called the Qing Dynasty (1644-1912).
More interestingly he described himself again as a Visionary but was known as a Prophet within his times. However, he himself believed these visions to be more akin to what we might now call Clairvoyance, which brought wisdom and philosophy.
We asked him to explain in more detail and he described himself as belonging to an “underground society”. This society (one of a number of such groups) was forced to act in secret as ‘unauthorised’ prophets were not accepted by the authorities of the time. If they managed to identify and catch a ‘prophet’ the punishment meted out would be to have their eyes blinded –on the basis that if they had no eyes, they could no longer ‘see’ visions!
Hence these groups would become ‘secret’ but such were the rewards for turning in one of these Prophets that he could trust no-one and could easily be betrayed at any time.
When I asked if his ‘underground society’ had a name, he told us that the closest translation would be “society of lost souls”.
At this time, I’ve not researched into Chinese history to corroborate any of this information, but the level of detail is fascinating. If there is anyone who does know anything about these secret societies, please do leave a comment and let us know.
After Cheung-Li had left, the Chief came forward and it was a relief to be able to hear is voice coming through loud and clear. Cheung-Li’s voice is so quiet as to be almost barely above a whisper.
He commented on the progress being made and explained that the way the ‘independent voice’ was being created was not as a replica of Brian’s voice box –which would obviously only create a duplicate of Brian’s vocal range, but was a ‘blended energy’ voice channel. We’ve been told before that this is something of an experiment and requires a “blending” of different forms of energy together with ectoplasm from Brian.
He told us that progress was being made carefully to ensure that everything was safe for the medium and sitters. That much preparation and work was being done between sessions and that each week was a demonstration of the progress.
The Voice Channel was being created so that in due course, each communicator would be able to create their ‘own’ voice, with their own distinct vocal range. He also explained that the ‘Donald Duck’ voice had not belonged to any one spirit, but was more a part of the experimental development.
We were then able to ask him about the Spirit Team that were working together with Brian as the medium.
Here’s a brief rundown:
Saskia – A native American woman whose role was “water bearer” but who had natural healing abilities. She has a deep capability for compassion. She passed at a relatively young age – approximately 25 yrs old.
Blaze – a young spirit. Who brings a lot of energy but can be a little uncontrolled at times. However, he is becoming a lot more dependable now and will in time be present to speak for himself.
Joseph – A source of wisdom within the ‘hierarchy’ of the team. The Chief seemed to speak of him with a deep respect.
Granddad Phil – Brian’s grandfather who will become an active member of the team.
Cheung-Li – A philosopher/visionary from China. He lived approximately 500 years ago at the end of the Ming / early Qing Dynasty, persecuted by the Authorities of the time for his ‘second sight’.
Running Bull (also known to us as the Chief).
A brave of the Sioux tribe from an area of North America now known as Dakota. He left the physical world at approximately the age of 25 around 900 years ago. Chief appears to be Brian’s primary ‘guide’ and has been with him for many years.
He also mentioned that there were ‘others’ waiting in the wings who would come forward in due course when the time was appropriate.
As the séance drew to a close, I was able to ask a final question of the Chief.
A friend of mine has recently been diagnosed with an aggressive cancer that has statistically only a 10% survival rate. Although she is about to start Chemotherapy, she is unlikely to be with us for much longer.
I wanted to know how best to support her with distant healing or hands on. Whether or not doing this would even be appropriate or whether such action would be ‘interfering’ with her own life’s programme.
The Chief took the time to go into some detail and spoke with compassion and understanding. I’ve paraphrased a good 5 or 10 minutes conversation which in summary said:
Distant Healing energy and thoughts would be the most effective. Compassion and the willingness to be present and supportive as she approaches and goes through the challenge ahead of her would be more beneficial than I might realise.
Understanding and a few words of encouragement and support, perhaps sharing my understanding of the true reality of life beyond the purely physical would help her as she went through the transition to Spirit.
As a “Healer” myself, I have come to believe that healing someone, or facilitating ‘healing’ does not necessarily mean repairing mechanical faults in the human body. Our Medical science has done a remarkable job in being able to do that. And whilst I fully believe that such “miracles” are completely real and available, if I fell down a hole and broke my leg, I’d be the first person to ring for a Doctor.
But once the mechanical work had been done, I would rely then on Spirit and Healing energy to do the rest.
Sometimes, a disease or illness can provide huge opportunities for learning and change for the individual. Not only for themselves but also for those close to them and distant.
I believe that ‘healing’ in the spiritual terminology, provides support for that greater purpose. Many times that might be for the changes in individual’s thoughts about Spirituality after experiencing a physical healing.
Often it will relieve symptoms of pain and discomfort, other times it may work on the root cause of the symptoms, be they emotional, physical or spiritual.
But these are just my thoughts and not a report of the physical séance. As ever, to read the objective and factual review of events, visit the Spirit Lodge Diary
The Sanctuary
In 2007 a small group of interested people decided to set up a
home circle dedicated to learning and understanding more about Physical
This circle was named the Bristol Spirit Lodge - as Chris, whose home
hosted the circle and who created the idea, lived in Bristol at the time.
The BSL grew and evolved over time with many sitters and mediums coming
and going. I myself developed my own abilities as a Trance and Transfiguration
medium but the hoped for physical phenomena didn't appear to be on the agenda.
Much of the early development records as experienced by myself are
recorded in this blog up to the point where I really felt I was unable to add
anything new to the record.
In May 2013, some 5 yrs down the line, the BSL has relocated to Clevedon
and gone from strength to strength. Numerous new home circles have spun off and
have set up on their own and links to many others have been created
6 months ago, a young lady, wife and Mum contacted Chris to enquire
about physical mediumship. One thing led to another and she has now been sitting
in her own circle within the BSL for development with some amazing results. The
speed and level of her development has been stunning.
A few months ago, her spirit team who have been communicating through
direct voice whilst Emily has been in deep trance, told us that they wished to
form a small closed circle to sit weekly with a handful of dedicated sitters in
support to start what they called the “serious work”.
Last week was the inaugural sitting of the closed circle and what
follows below will be my own subjective account of my personal experiences
during this and subsequent sittings.
Chris will continue to update her own account of course on the BSL
on-line diary. My own diary in no way replaced these, this is just my own
personal record for my own interest and for anyone else who wants to follow.
To read the full diary and objective accounts of the other circles that meet in the Sanctuary, visit the main site at:

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I'm a regular follower of your blog, which I find very fascinating.
I've often thought it would be helpful to have some info about the Q&A sessions, which you usually mention in passing. I'm so glad you've picked up on my thoughts and relayed your take of the exchanges.
And I agree with you about your healing comments. Sometimes people receive a complete healing and sometimes they don't for whatever reason. As a "healer" I can only help to connect someone to the Source, albeit that is an impossibility as we are always connected anyway. As I see it, healing is simply play-acting, pretending I'm connecting someone to the Source that they already are. It's all fun and games.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, insights and your ongoing journey.
Hi Rose.
We don't usually go into the Q&A content as a rule because it’s delivered through trance communication, which is easily open to question and doubt.
As the primary purpose of our circle is to prove the reality of Spirit through physical evidence, it seems best to limit our published content to just the basic facts.
Once the team have managed to successfully create an Independent Voice channel we’ll be able to bring much more content out in public.
However, this time we were given specific info that may or may not be able to be verified through external research. If it can be proved to be accurate, then that too is valid evidence as well.
Thanks for your comments.
Hi Jon,
Thank you.
All my love and best wishes to your friend with cancer.
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