...apologies for the very late posting of this account. Christmas and New Year now past, service should be resumed as normal :-)
This evening was an interesting one.
We have two circles at the Lodge that both sit once a week for purpose of providing/facilitating evidence of the truth of life’s continuation beyond what we commonly refer to as death.
The Tuesday team are working towards ‘direct voice’ and physical phenomena that defy or ‘bend’ the current belief in the “Laws of Physics”
The Friday team are focused on reaching the same objective but through evidential physical healings.
This Tuesday however, as the last circle before Christmas, we decided to combine the two groups and share the evening together.
Due to Illness and vacations, the numbers were low and the 6 of us settled ourselves into the Lodge and Sandy, a trance medium whose development has been meteoric over recent months, settled into the open cabinet.
The most significant difference between the two groups is that Sandy’s work – being primarily through trance is in full white light conditions, whilst Brian on a Tuesday works in blackout due to the blend of different energies being used.
As the first music track was played, Sandy moved almost instantly into trance and her limbs began to move erratically at first and then soon, in time to the music.
This was interesting for me to see, as my only experience of trance has been my own -or a few others within the circle and one or two public demonstrations. In all of these (and in my own experience) going into trance has been a quiet affair, more akin to going into a light ‘sleep’ state than anything else.
Sandy however was quite different and literally animated. As the first two tracks were played, we could see that someone seemed to be controlling her limbs and her head, which were moving rhythmically and her facial expressions which were changing as if there were some kind of struggle for control going on.
Chris, who is much more familiar with Sandy’s trance work recognised her main guide “Joseph” as being present and confirmed that he was trying to maintain his position as being in control. However, a second person was also trying to take the leadership position in order to start working within the séance.
The second visitor – the doctor – finally won over and proceeded to ‘overshadow’ Sandy and demonstrated his ability to move around the room. This level of control seems to be very difficult for him to achieve and he appears extremely susceptible to minor changes in the energy within the room.
However, having circumnavigated the room and with Chris on the couch, he proceeded to manipulate her finger at which time we could all see and hear definite ‘clicking’ sounds.
(see Chris’ on-line Journal at http://www.spirit-lodge-diary.blogspot.com/ and http://evidentialhealing.blogspot.com/ for more detailed information)
-We checked this again afterwards and whatever it was that he was doing, we could not duplicate it ourselves.
Sandy’s other team members all came through over the next 45 minutes and I had the opportunity to ask some specific questions regarding the nature of Spirit’s entry into the earth plane, and what such spirits could learn from only even a brief visit –for instance from a miscarriage.
The answers were clear and precise and given with a level of compassion and dignity that was surprising.
At the end of the séance, Sandy’s guide Joseph asked for his wrist to be tied tightly to the chair’s arm rest. I was then asked to sit directly in front of him/Sandy and my wrist was also tied tightly in the same way (uncomfortably tight I might add!)
I had no prior awareness of this experiment, although it seemed to have been discussed in advance between Sandy & Chris.
Then Sandy/Joseph started to move and rotate his wrist and the cord – a thick woven cotton cord about 10mm in diameter- seemed to stretch.
I imitated the movements as best I could and found that by pulling and pushing against the cord I could also create some ‘slack’ in the cord, but not enough to free my hand.
Within a few moments though, Joseph had freed her hand and mine was still secure. All this time, her eyes had been tightly shut. I was literally only 2 feet away and so can be quite sure of this.
I then used my free hand to pull at the knot and finally got my wrist free from the chair. I then held up my ‘freed’ hand to show ‘Joseph’ that I too was no longer secured.
This is then when I truly had the first real ‘evidence’ that spirit were working independently through Sandy.
With her face turned away when I waved my free arm, Her head pulled round to face me and with an ‘impish’ smile shook her head. She didn’t speak but her expression was clear. I had been ‘beaten’ and she/he had proved themselves capable of somehow changing the cotton cord to allow her wrist to escape.
All in all it was a very interesting experience.
I have to say though, that had I not known Sandy already and trusted both her and Chris absolutely, I would be hard put to accept what I saw as evidence.
Anyone witnessing this would be unlikely to be convinced and would very likely assume it to be false.
However, knowing Chris and Sandy myself, I am personally convinced now that Sandy’s spirit team are most certainly benign (a concern I had harboured for a while) and that they are genuinely working with Sandy to develop into a quite unique Team.
I’ve certainly never come across anything like it myself and I’ve never heard of anything remotely similar anywhere else.
I’m looking forward to seeing how Sandy, Joseph and the rest continue to develop and work together in 2008. It promises to be quite an exciting year.
The Sanctuary
In 2007 a small group of interested people decided to set up a
home circle dedicated to learning and understanding more about Physical
This circle was named the Bristol Spirit Lodge - as Chris, whose home
hosted the circle and who created the idea, lived in Bristol at the time.
The BSL grew and evolved over time with many sitters and mediums coming
and going. I myself developed my own abilities as a Trance and Transfiguration
medium but the hoped for physical phenomena didn't appear to be on the agenda.
Much of the early development records as experienced by myself are
recorded in this blog up to the point where I really felt I was unable to add
anything new to the record.
In May 2013, some 5 yrs down the line, the BSL has relocated to Clevedon
and gone from strength to strength. Numerous new home circles have spun off and
have set up on their own and links to many others have been created
6 months ago, a young lady, wife and Mum contacted Chris to enquire
about physical mediumship. One thing led to another and she has now been sitting
in her own circle within the BSL for development with some amazing results. The
speed and level of her development has been stunning.
A few months ago, her spirit team who have been communicating through
direct voice whilst Emily has been in deep trance, told us that they wished to
form a small closed circle to sit weekly with a handful of dedicated sitters in
support to start what they called the “serious work”.
Last week was the inaugural sitting of the closed circle and what
follows below will be my own subjective account of my personal experiences
during this and subsequent sittings.
Chris will continue to update her own account of course on the BSL
on-line diary. My own diary in no way replaced these, this is just my own
personal record for my own interest and for anyone else who wants to follow.
To read the full diary and objective accounts of the other circles that meet in the Sanctuary, visit the main site at: http://www.spirit-lodge-diary.blogspot.com/

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