We’d recently received some guidance from FC that suggested that we needed to have a second person familiar with the detailed ‘running’ of the séance so that we could continue uninterrupted, should for any reason Chris be unable to run the evening.
FC -whom regular readers will know is the representative personality of a group of spirit people and is the driving force behind the setting up of the circle on their sde, has offered this position of 'back up' facilitator to me. So this week was to be the first one in which I was responsible for making sure the Tape Recorder and CD player functioned correctly and ensuring everything.
Of course, having been a major contributor to generally taking the mick out of Chris and her uncanny ability to press the wrong buttons on anything electrical, she was in very high spirits and waiting eagerly for me to make my first mistake. ..I guess I had it coming!
The evening started off well after a few minor hiccups with the lights etc, Brian was strapped down into the chair, the curtains closed and the cabinet. The cable ties around his one good ankle (a fall from his m/bike that day had injured his right leg so we left that one unsecured) and wrists were if anything a little too tight and I asked him if he’s like them replaced. His reply was along the lines of ‘there’s no need. I’ll be asleep in a few minutes anyway.’ :-)
As the music started we heard the sounds of the chair rocking backwards and forwards and then a period of peace took over for about 10 minutes or so.
Soon though we could hear the sounds of Direct Voice being attempted. Chris joked that there was progress being made and after last weeks Donald Duck impression, the voice box now sounded more like Punch and Judy.
The voice immediately responded with “That’s the way to do it” and a squeaky chuckle. We asked how they were getting on and the voice replied that it was getting easier each week.
Many more strange and peculiar sounds could be heard for a while as the spirit team continued to exercise and experiment with the voice channel before things quietened down for a while.
Around this time we heard 2 of the cable ties being snapped but didn’t register this of particular significance at the time. .....We’ve become accustomed to this now and accept it as part of the routine of the séance – yet only a few months or so ago, we were being shocked and amazed when this was happening. How quickly we’ve become blasé!!
After another short period of quiet we heard a quiet voice welcoming us with a soft “Good Evening”
The voice then introduced himself as Joseph (Link here to see the Spirit Team as we know them to date).
Joseph has been described by the Chief (with great respect) as a “senior” member of the team whose role it is to ‘manage information’ and bring wisdom as required.
His voice was –Like Cheung-Li’s last week- very quiet and even being so close to the cabinet it was tricky to hear everything. However he gave us a clear concept of his role within the team and in the spirit ‘world’. He described his role as something akin to a librarian, managing and responsible for records. He said that he was able to assist in communication between the ‘higher realms’ and the Spirit Team and that he could ensure that the Chief and the team would have the right information and knowledge to enable the Circle to progress.
I asked if, as a ‘keeper of records’ he would be able to access information for future visitors and guests to the circle, to provide them with personal evidence of the reality of spirit. He replied that this would be something possible in the future but that at this time, not all of Brian’s potential abilities were being developed. That the energies brought by a spirit might still carry the condition which caused his ‘death’ and that these might be overwhelming for the medium when in the cabinet.
I asked if this were not the same as a clairvoyant might experience. It was similar he replied but much more intense and Brian would need to develop the ability to manage this energy first.
For the time being at least, the focus of the team is to develop the independent voice channel that will allow a full range of physical voice to be created and used by spirit people to communicate.
Joseph stayed with us for a while, answering questions from all of us before taking his leave.
Almost straight away, the Chief’s voice could be heard. He was asked many questions from the circle and was very light-hearted and jovial in his responses.
He gave me further guidance in using healing energies to help those who feel in need of support, as well as re-enforcing and encouraging some ideas to promote an individuals sensitivity to matters of the spirit when not within a circle.
All too soon the séance came to a close and we turned the lights back on.
The Chief had mentioned that although the séance may have seemed quiet and they no longer needed to snap the cable ties within the first few minutes of the evening, they were still working on creating new things for us and had done ‘something special’ tonight.
When the curtains were pulled back, Brian was still seated in the chair which was tilted back on two legs against the corner of the cabinet. His waist tie was still secure and one wrist and one ankle tie had been snapped clean in half.
BUT…. His right hand was completely free of the cable tie. However, the cable tie was still completely intact!
In order to prevent the cable ties’ being slid along the arm rests, a small plastic guide has been screwed to the underside of the armrest. This cable guide has two apertures through which the cable tie has to be threaded before being fastened around the wrist.
The cable tie, still intact was now hanging from the cable guide, through only ONE of the apertures.
Not only had Brian’s arm been released (and there might always be the suspicion from a visitor or Diary reader that he had somehow managed to slip his hand through the loop) but the cable tie had been freed from one half of the cable guide.

See the photo to the right :
The camera angle is from below the arm rest looking up at the cable tie hanging from one half of the cable guide.