Firstly my apologies for the intermittent reports over the past few weeks.
I’ve been away from home quite a bit recently and had to miss a few sittings, but I’m sure you’ve kept up to date through the new on-line journal/blog.
But I will still keep this blog going now as it will give a subjective as opposed to the more objective and purely factual reports on the journal.
Over recent months I have also been fairly sparse with the updates as I’ve been somewhat involved in the proceedings myself. I’ve been working with Trance over the past few months and so I’ve not really been in a position to report anything myself as I’ve not really been a witness to anything.
Reports of these sittings can be seen on the circle journal mentioned above.
So, this Tuesday was an exceptionally interesting night.
The evening started quietly as there were a few regular sitters missing. A new guest joined myself and Chris for the evening along with Brian, the physical medium.
Last week, the journal reported that Brian’s wrists had been freed from the restraining tie-wraps that had been used to tie him into the chair. This week, I wanted to make absolutely certain that Brian was secured properly.
I put the straps on myself and made completely sure that the straps were snug. Not so tight they were cutting into his wrists but I can 100% guarantee that there was NO Way that he could have got his arms free.
With Brian safely strapped in –ankles, wrists, chest all secured- and the curtains were closed. The lights were put out and the first songs were started.
Before the end of the second song, we were hearing significant noises, thuds and bangs from behind the cabinet (goodness knows what our first time guest was thinking!)
Then, as the 3rd or 4th song was playing, we heard an enormous crash in the middle of the room. ….it’d fair to say we all jumped through the roof!
There were some more loud noises and the trumpet was heard to be sent flying.
A few minutes later and the noises subsided and ‘the chief (Running Bull) came forward and spoke to us all.
One of the first things he mentioned was that his voice was much loader and clearer than normal, and that the reason why would become apparent once the lights came back on.
Much more was said, mostly encouragement to the sitters and personal welcomes to our guest and myself.
Chris asked if something of a personal nature could be given to our guest to provide further evidence of the truth of what was happening. The Chief said that he would see what could be done.
Later in the evening, a second communicator came forward, giving his name as Lucas. Lucas gave us the name of Sid or Sidney. No further information was forthcoming other than that the name would be relevant to one of us in the room –if not immediately, then in the very near future. – Sidney means nothing to me, so I am assuming it will register with one of the two girls.
Blaze came forward for a brief chat and was (by his standards) very well behaved. Bu he only stayed a short while and then the séance was brought to a close.
When the lights came up we immediately could see why he Chief’s voice was so clear.
Brian, still strapped securely at ankles and chest in his chair, was planted in the middle of the room, a foot in front of the cabinet.
The trumpet was lying on the floor and several of the ‘toys’ had been moved.
In all the previous séances, even though I have been present and trusted in the veracity of what we were experiencing, there was always a small element on uncertainty as to what was happening.
There was always just the tiniest thought that just perhaps Brian ‘could’ have been manipulating the circumstances.
I have to say here and now, that I fully and completely apologise to Brian for ever having held those thoughts. I am completely and utterly convinced that everything we have experienced is and was genuine.
There were only 3 of us in the room, myself and the 2 girls. Each of us were wearing luminous tabs on our lapels, so even if they had wanted to get up and manhandle Brian out of the cabinet, it would not have been possible.
The only way that he could have been moved was via Spirit.
Also, his hand were freed, the cable ties still secured to the chair –which then had to be cut off.
All in all, this was an tremendous evening that confirmed beyond any shadow of a doubt that Spirit is working with us to prove objectively the continuation of life beyond the merely physical.
Next week I will report on what ever follows.
Tuesdays will now be going back to being dedicated to Physical mediumship under blackout, Fridays being given over to Trance in order to allow our members to spend more weekend time with families over the school summer holidays.
All the best to all
The Sanctuary
In 2007 a small group of interested people decided to set up a
home circle dedicated to learning and understanding more about Physical
This circle was named the Bristol Spirit Lodge - as Chris, whose home
hosted the circle and who created the idea, lived in Bristol at the time.
The BSL grew and evolved over time with many sitters and mediums coming
and going. I myself developed my own abilities as a Trance and Transfiguration
medium but the hoped for physical phenomena didn't appear to be on the agenda.
Much of the early development records as experienced by myself are
recorded in this blog up to the point where I really felt I was unable to add
anything new to the record.
In May 2013, some 5 yrs down the line, the BSL has relocated to Clevedon
and gone from strength to strength. Numerous new home circles have spun off and
have set up on their own and links to many others have been created
6 months ago, a young lady, wife and Mum contacted Chris to enquire
about physical mediumship. One thing led to another and she has now been sitting
in her own circle within the BSL for development with some amazing results. The
speed and level of her development has been stunning.
A few months ago, her spirit team who have been communicating through
direct voice whilst Emily has been in deep trance, told us that they wished to
form a small closed circle to sit weekly with a handful of dedicated sitters in
support to start what they called the “serious work”.
Last week was the inaugural sitting of the closed circle and what
follows below will be my own subjective account of my personal experiences
during this and subsequent sittings.
Chris will continue to update her own account of course on the BSL
on-line diary. My own diary in no way replaced these, this is just my own
personal record for my own interest and for anyone else who wants to follow.
To read the full diary and objective accounts of the other circles that meet in the Sanctuary, visit the main site at:

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1 comment:
Jon, this is amazing work. Thank you for sharing these experiences with me.
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