By 7.45pm the (physical) team had gathered itself together and after much mutual Mickey taking, at 8pm on the dot we headed outside to the shed (sorry Chris, I meant of course the Spirit Lodge!)
Myself, Paul & Lynne sorted out the usual housekeeping –doors, light seals chairs etc whilst Brian settled himself into the chair.
Then just as we were settling down, Brian leant forward and was trying to say something about Paul not sitting on a wooden chair (he was sitting down having been just secured into the cabinet by myself, but then seemed to become quite agitated). Paul was just settling into his chair, one of the plastic garden chairs in the room.
As I’d just completed securing the straps not a minute or two earlier, I could see the change in him quite clearly. Something that the others didn’t pick up on I think.
It was only a small thing, and I was surprised that he seemed to be so ‘out of it’ before we’d even all finished sitting down.
However, once the opening prayer had been completed, the light extinguished and the first music track started, we immediately heard the distinctive sounds of the tie-wraps being popped off, followed by more banging and thumping coming from inside the cabinet.
This showed that even though Brian was physically conscious, Spirit had already started to take him back into a trance state, had noticed the plastic rather than wooden chair (we’d been told some time ago that natural materials were preferable to plastic, but not essential) and was trying to bring it to our attention.
Is this linked to Paul’s tendency to blank out during the séance? Maybe, maybe not, time will tell.
Voice production was really coming on nicely with a very wide range of what can best be described as quite tuneful humming. Almost as if they were at first experimenting and then practising the potential vocal range. I must admit that it did occur to me that it sounded a bit like Brian’s own voice was being used.
Later, when the Chief came through to update us on progress, he explained that what had actually been happening was that they were ‘moving’ the voice creation are, up from the Larynx into the back of the nasal passages. Which explained why the ‘tonal’ qualities were so clear and yet there seemed to be no attempt to create words.
The plan (apparently) is to gradually move the voice creation region up and forward slowly to allow a much clearer and stronger end result than might be achieved if they used purely ectoplasm to build an external voice box.
But as the Chief said himself, it’s all an experiment, as much -if not more- for them as it is for us.
Each week, sets new levels of achievement and new levels of excitement and fun (I’m even starting to enjoy the singing –or I would do if our esteemed leader could drag her music taste kicking and screaming out of the 1950’s and 60’s ;-) )
I’ll be away on business the next 2 weeks, so will have be back at the circle in 3 weeks time. In the meantime, keep up to date on progress via the Spirits Aloud - Journal. The Link's on the left of the page.
The Sanctuary
In 2007 a small group of interested people decided to set up a
home circle dedicated to learning and understanding more about Physical
This circle was named the Bristol Spirit Lodge - as Chris, whose home
hosted the circle and who created the idea, lived in Bristol at the time.
The BSL grew and evolved over time with many sitters and mediums coming
and going. I myself developed my own abilities as a Trance and Transfiguration
medium but the hoped for physical phenomena didn't appear to be on the agenda.
Much of the early development records as experienced by myself are
recorded in this blog up to the point where I really felt I was unable to add
anything new to the record.
In May 2013, some 5 yrs down the line, the BSL has relocated to Clevedon
and gone from strength to strength. Numerous new home circles have spun off and
have set up on their own and links to many others have been created
6 months ago, a young lady, wife and Mum contacted Chris to enquire
about physical mediumship. One thing led to another and she has now been sitting
in her own circle within the BSL for development with some amazing results. The
speed and level of her development has been stunning.
A few months ago, her spirit team who have been communicating through
direct voice whilst Emily has been in deep trance, told us that they wished to
form a small closed circle to sit weekly with a handful of dedicated sitters in
support to start what they called the “serious work”.
Last week was the inaugural sitting of the closed circle and what
follows below will be my own subjective account of my personal experiences
during this and subsequent sittings.
Chris will continue to update her own account of course on the BSL
on-line diary. My own diary in no way replaced these, this is just my own
personal record for my own interest and for anyone else who wants to follow.
To read the full diary and objective accounts of the other circles that meet in the Sanctuary, visit the main site at:

Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Tuesday 19th September
Last night was an excellent evening. Our friends inspirit are making real progress and since the circle was closed for the development of direct voice, we heard for the first time what really sounded like the beginnings of a recognisable voice.
The evening started off well with much Mickey taking and joking around, so the energy was buzzing when we went into the Lodge.
Our two guests, Sylve and Terry joined in easily and soon Brian was strapped in securely to the chair.
Last week (which I’d missed due to work) the wrist strap –electrical cable ties- were secured to the chair through small metal loops screwed into the wood.
At the end of the evening, these small metal loops were found to be long straight and twisted pieces of metal. So, this time, the tie wraps were secured through screwed in brackets to the chairs arms and legs.
The music started and before the second song had finished playing, we had heard the distinctive bangs of the straps being removed.
Once again, these large cable ties were simply undone as if they had never been secured in the first place and left hanging from the brackets on the chair.
Then as the séance progressed, we began to hear spirits attempts at communication through direct voice start to take shape.
Before, we have witnessed lots of choking, gurgling, coughing and spluttering. But this time Brian/Spirit -who has been starting to sound over the last month or so something not too dissimilar from a dog being strangled- sounded relaxed and comfortable.
We could here his breathing, calm and steady.
And then at first a high pitched attempt at voice and then later on a deep, powerful throaty voice. Attempts at speech were clearly audible and at one point, several of us felt we could hear the words “my name is” coming through.
Not long after this, the atmosphere changed an the dark shapes that had been seen and felt moving round the room (remember this was in total blackout and the only light source was the faint glow of the luminous tabs each sitter wears on their lapels) faded away.
Soon, we heard “the Chief” coming through who was in a very jovial mood. We were kept up to date with the Teams’ progress and encouraged to continue the good work.
Both Terry and Sylve were welcomed and the Chief mentioned that he had already met them both back in Feb (confirmation of this will follow) – we think it was when Brian attended one of Warren Calylor’s open séances, of which T & S were close members)
When the lights were brought backup, Brian was found tilted back on his chair with a cushion comfortably placed behind his head.
-just as I was strapping him in an hour earlier, we had been joking together that as the medium, the least he could expect was a nice comfy wing backed chair to relax in (we use wooden dining room style chairs –a vast improvement on the green plastic garden chairs we started off with)
Obviously, spirit had decided to play on the joke as well J
The bells that are attached to the bottom of the chair with a Velcro strip, were found in the middle of the room where we had heard them being thrown about 15 minutes into the séance.
Brian was in good spirits (no pun intended ;-) and was pleased to find himself in a comfortable position for a change.
All in all, a very good evening and we were all delighted with the amazing progress that the Team are making. At this rate, we will be having casual chats over a cup of tea with 200 year old Native Americans by Christmas!
Many, many thanks again to Brian, who gets little personal gain out of the whole experience and whose only reward is to find out afterwards what new levels have been achieved while he’s been away with the fairies.
Next update in 7 days and don’t miss the new addition to the progress reports at Spirit Lights
The evening started off well with much Mickey taking and joking around, so the energy was buzzing when we went into the Lodge.
Our two guests, Sylve and Terry joined in easily and soon Brian was strapped in securely to the chair.
Last week (which I’d missed due to work) the wrist strap –electrical cable ties- were secured to the chair through small metal loops screwed into the wood.
At the end of the evening, these small metal loops were found to be long straight and twisted pieces of metal. So, this time, the tie wraps were secured through screwed in brackets to the chairs arms and legs.
The music started and before the second song had finished playing, we had heard the distinctive bangs of the straps being removed.
Once again, these large cable ties were simply undone as if they had never been secured in the first place and left hanging from the brackets on the chair.
Then as the séance progressed, we began to hear spirits attempts at communication through direct voice start to take shape.
Before, we have witnessed lots of choking, gurgling, coughing and spluttering. But this time Brian/Spirit -who has been starting to sound over the last month or so something not too dissimilar from a dog being strangled- sounded relaxed and comfortable.
We could here his breathing, calm and steady.
And then at first a high pitched attempt at voice and then later on a deep, powerful throaty voice. Attempts at speech were clearly audible and at one point, several of us felt we could hear the words “my name is” coming through.
Not long after this, the atmosphere changed an the dark shapes that had been seen and felt moving round the room (remember this was in total blackout and the only light source was the faint glow of the luminous tabs each sitter wears on their lapels) faded away.
Soon, we heard “the Chief” coming through who was in a very jovial mood. We were kept up to date with the Teams’ progress and encouraged to continue the good work.
Both Terry and Sylve were welcomed and the Chief mentioned that he had already met them both back in Feb (confirmation of this will follow) – we think it was when Brian attended one of Warren Calylor’s open séances, of which T & S were close members)
When the lights were brought backup, Brian was found tilted back on his chair with a cushion comfortably placed behind his head.
-just as I was strapping him in an hour earlier, we had been joking together that as the medium, the least he could expect was a nice comfy wing backed chair to relax in (we use wooden dining room style chairs –a vast improvement on the green plastic garden chairs we started off with)
Obviously, spirit had decided to play on the joke as well J
The bells that are attached to the bottom of the chair with a Velcro strip, were found in the middle of the room where we had heard them being thrown about 15 minutes into the séance.
Brian was in good spirits (no pun intended ;-) and was pleased to find himself in a comfortable position for a change.
All in all, a very good evening and we were all delighted with the amazing progress that the Team are making. At this rate, we will be having casual chats over a cup of tea with 200 year old Native Americans by Christmas!
Many, many thanks again to Brian, who gets little personal gain out of the whole experience and whose only reward is to find out afterwards what new levels have been achieved while he’s been away with the fairies.
Next update in 7 days and don’t miss the new addition to the progress reports at Spirit Lights
Monday, September 17, 2007
The clarity of understanding
The following is extracted from an email I received this morning. I’ve edited a few details in order to maintain anonymity but there are some key thoughts within this that deserve to be shared.
The person relating this true story is a medium –albeit a reluctant one. Who tends to receive guidance and messages from Spirit at the most unfriendly hours (probably because these are the only times the poor spirits can get a word in edgeways!)
That said, as you read through this you will see that she was deeply moved by the visions that she witnessed. I’d also add here that this particular lady is not easily given to hysterical behaviours or seeing ‘visions’ in the dark. This was a very clear message from Spirit which they have asked us to share publicly, and as she had no really suitable forum to do this I’ve posted it here.
This morning I was woken by a friend in Spirit. I was definitely awake as I looked at the clock and saw it was 5.15. I was 'given' a visualisation (with thought-sound) of a little girl aged approx size. She had pale skin and dirty blonde hair and a faded grubby blue dress, no shoes. She was stirring some grit in a bowl, with a spoon/stick. This was pretend food, because there wasn't enough food to eat. She said all the children did this because it helped. She looked smiling and was chatty and jumpy. I asked what she was doing there. She said "I'm a foundling child." and gave me her name. She said it is ok there, but some of the other children cry a lot for their mothers and fathers, but she hasn't ever had a father and her mother got sick (and died) so she's ok....but others cry.
An older boy, aged about 10 maybe, was dressed in a light brown shirt and dark brown shorts, with brown leather old-style sandals. He sat at a table and was holding a baby, which was unblinkingly wide-eyed and silent and looked almost dead. The boy had tanned skin, maybe multi-racial, or maybe Indian. He spoke with a well educated voice, saying that this was a Foundling Centre. He'd been lucky in life so far as his benefactor had paid for his education, but had now died. He could leave this place, but was staying to help. He worked by begging, taking a sick child with him on the streets so sit near tourists....but this was becoming harder now as the men moved him on. He showed me a non-healed almost-scar across his shoulder and arm, caused by beating. He was calm and matter-of-fact about it. He indicated another child, who had a badly healing deformed leg (it looked as if it was broken and mangled in some way). He said "I will take that one out tomorrow, so he will be fed tonight." I asked how the boys leg was damaged and was told calmly that he had been begging and had been beaten and will probably die when infection catches hold. Apparently none of them were fed unless they were working. He said that the blonde girl was unfed for three days as she was not working, was too healthy to use for begging and was ill-formed for other work (sex). She relied on what food was left by the others and there was none left.
I was then shown another place. There was a 'flat' with three children. This looked to be in a big town, but poor, like typical of what we see on the TV news. The actual flat looked like a very run-down council block. Twin girls (4 or 5)) went to school. Baby, 6 months (actually later Spirit told me it was almost two years old) laid on the floor. Boy aged about 7 was unable to attend school as he was at home with the baby and looked after the twins. He had NO income and lived in fear of the family being taken to the Foundling centre. He was old beyond his years but had the 'knowledge' of a child. These were white kids. The door was open and a woman in a filthy apron came forward and said that she is doing her best to feed the family but hadn't enough food for them all. She was apologetic and seemed to feel that I was blaming her. She was a neighbour. She was doing her best. I asked about the children's parents and she said "No matter. It is done".
The pictures cleared. Spirit said that it was important that I had already forgotten the little girls name. This name has been offered to me with pride, as it was all that this child has to hold as her own and she had offered me this. She wished him to pass her name to me again, it is Ellie. Spirit said she is still of the earth plane. At this point I was feeling 'zapped' and in tears.
Spirit was firmly telling me to stop crying, that crying was unimportant.
Mankind is not meant to be divided, there are no divisions upon the earth plane nor in any other place, other than divisions created by the selfishness of mankind. A child is born to those who feel joy, and should twins be born their joy is doubled. Yet few persons with one birth consider taking into their heart a child born to another who cannot feed it. Homes are plenty, with room to spare, but few consider offering a room to a person who is without a roof. Spirit wish this to change. For it matters not that a person cannot speak a certain language, it matters that a person is suffering and can be helped, but for the selfish thoughts of mankind.
I told Spirit that I understand what he is saying and will not forget. Obviously, this is true.
The person relating this true story is a medium –albeit a reluctant one. Who tends to receive guidance and messages from Spirit at the most unfriendly hours (probably because these are the only times the poor spirits can get a word in edgeways!)
That said, as you read through this you will see that she was deeply moved by the visions that she witnessed. I’d also add here that this particular lady is not easily given to hysterical behaviours or seeing ‘visions’ in the dark. This was a very clear message from Spirit which they have asked us to share publicly, and as she had no really suitable forum to do this I’ve posted it here.
This morning I was woken by a friend in Spirit. I was definitely awake as I looked at the clock and saw it was 5.15. I was 'given' a visualisation (with thought-sound) of a little girl aged approx size. She had pale skin and dirty blonde hair and a faded grubby blue dress, no shoes. She was stirring some grit in a bowl, with a spoon/stick. This was pretend food, because there wasn't enough food to eat. She said all the children did this because it helped. She looked smiling and was chatty and jumpy. I asked what she was doing there. She said "I'm a foundling child." and gave me her name. She said it is ok there, but some of the other children cry a lot for their mothers and fathers, but she hasn't ever had a father and her mother got sick (and died) so she's ok....but others cry.
An older boy, aged about 10 maybe, was dressed in a light brown shirt and dark brown shorts, with brown leather old-style sandals. He sat at a table and was holding a baby, which was unblinkingly wide-eyed and silent and looked almost dead. The boy had tanned skin, maybe multi-racial, or maybe Indian. He spoke with a well educated voice, saying that this was a Foundling Centre. He'd been lucky in life so far as his benefactor had paid for his education, but had now died. He could leave this place, but was staying to help. He worked by begging, taking a sick child with him on the streets so sit near tourists....but this was becoming harder now as the men moved him on. He showed me a non-healed almost-scar across his shoulder and arm, caused by beating. He was calm and matter-of-fact about it. He indicated another child, who had a badly healing deformed leg (it looked as if it was broken and mangled in some way). He said "I will take that one out tomorrow, so he will be fed tonight." I asked how the boys leg was damaged and was told calmly that he had been begging and had been beaten and will probably die when infection catches hold. Apparently none of them were fed unless they were working. He said that the blonde girl was unfed for three days as she was not working, was too healthy to use for begging and was ill-formed for other work (sex). She relied on what food was left by the others and there was none left.
I was then shown another place. There was a 'flat' with three children. This looked to be in a big town, but poor, like typical of what we see on the TV news. The actual flat looked like a very run-down council block. Twin girls (4 or 5)) went to school. Baby, 6 months (actually later Spirit told me it was almost two years old) laid on the floor. Boy aged about 7 was unable to attend school as he was at home with the baby and looked after the twins. He had NO income and lived in fear of the family being taken to the Foundling centre. He was old beyond his years but had the 'knowledge' of a child. These were white kids. The door was open and a woman in a filthy apron came forward and said that she is doing her best to feed the family but hadn't enough food for them all. She was apologetic and seemed to feel that I was blaming her. She was a neighbour. She was doing her best. I asked about the children's parents and she said "No matter. It is done".
The pictures cleared. Spirit said that it was important that I had already forgotten the little girls name. This name has been offered to me with pride, as it was all that this child has to hold as her own and she had offered me this. She wished him to pass her name to me again, it is Ellie. Spirit said she is still of the earth plane. At this point I was feeling 'zapped' and in tears.
Spirit was firmly telling me to stop crying, that crying was unimportant.
Mankind is not meant to be divided, there are no divisions upon the earth plane nor in any other place, other than divisions created by the selfishness of mankind. A child is born to those who feel joy, and should twins be born their joy is doubled. Yet few persons with one birth consider taking into their heart a child born to another who cannot feed it. Homes are plenty, with room to spare, but few consider offering a room to a person who is without a roof. Spirit wish this to change. For it matters not that a person cannot speak a certain language, it matters that a person is suffering and can be helped, but for the selfish thoughts of mankind.
I told Spirit that I understand what he is saying and will not forget. Obviously, this is true.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Tuesday 4th September
It’s been a while since I’ve posted regularly here. I’ve still been actively involved with the circle but work and other personal stuff has limited the time available to do the write ups –let alone the audio transcriptions that I’ve been promising for weeks!
Mind you, Chris has kept everything running with the introduction of the ‘official’ diary blog which has kept everything up to date.
This week’s events were actually quite quiet by our normal standards. As was predicted by our spirit team a month ago, activity appears to have been much reduced over recent weeks; although we are assured that there is a great deal going on that we don’t have visibility of.
This week, we were much reduced in numbers as David and Brian, were unable to make it to the circle. So there was only myself, Paul and Christine in the Lodge.
It was indicated by FC (via Chris) that we would have a development evening which involved Paul be placed in the North corner with myself next to him on one side and Chris on the other.
The intent was for Paul to go into ‘trance’ and with my support and encouragement allow him to bring through someone to speak to us. Chris was to act as the witness.
The music was started up and almost immediately I felt myself falling away backwards toward the now familiar half asleep/half awake sensation.
I could feel ‘energy’ building up around me but couldn’t really create enough intent to wake up and see where Paul had got to.
-one aspect of this ‘altered’ level of consciousness is that once there, the inclination to come back is decreased. A bit like soaking in a warm bath. You know you can come back at an instant if necessary, but you’d really rather not!
After a while, I was aware again of the increase in energy around and in me and I could feel my body starting to tense up (this happens now much less with each time I practice trance, but it is strong enough still to make me aware that someone is trying to get through. If left to my own devices I’d probably just drift along quite happily until it was time to go back indoors for tea and biscuits!)
Someone came through and after some initial messages, started to speak directly to Paul who was drifting in and out (he later told me) of a kind of trance/meditation state.
With coaching from the spirit who was with us, Paul was able to identify and see for the first time a spirit guide that was with him.
From my own level of awareness at the time, I thought that they were trying to get him to go deep enough into trance for him to allow a communicator to come through but it now seems that the intention all along was to bring him another step forward in his own personal development –which they did with flying colours.
There was some other stuff said I believe, but as the ‘medium’ there’s not much I recall of that part. You’ll have to email Chris and ask for more details if you want them.
Brian’s back next week. I’m off to Eindhoven for a few days for work but will be back again the week after.
See the Spirits Aloud Journal, for further updates next week.
Mind you, Chris has kept everything running with the introduction of the ‘official’ diary blog which has kept everything up to date.
This week’s events were actually quite quiet by our normal standards. As was predicted by our spirit team a month ago, activity appears to have been much reduced over recent weeks; although we are assured that there is a great deal going on that we don’t have visibility of.
This week, we were much reduced in numbers as David and Brian, were unable to make it to the circle. So there was only myself, Paul and Christine in the Lodge.
It was indicated by FC (via Chris) that we would have a development evening which involved Paul be placed in the North corner with myself next to him on one side and Chris on the other.
The intent was for Paul to go into ‘trance’ and with my support and encouragement allow him to bring through someone to speak to us. Chris was to act as the witness.
The music was started up and almost immediately I felt myself falling away backwards toward the now familiar half asleep/half awake sensation.
I could feel ‘energy’ building up around me but couldn’t really create enough intent to wake up and see where Paul had got to.
-one aspect of this ‘altered’ level of consciousness is that once there, the inclination to come back is decreased. A bit like soaking in a warm bath. You know you can come back at an instant if necessary, but you’d really rather not!
After a while, I was aware again of the increase in energy around and in me and I could feel my body starting to tense up (this happens now much less with each time I practice trance, but it is strong enough still to make me aware that someone is trying to get through. If left to my own devices I’d probably just drift along quite happily until it was time to go back indoors for tea and biscuits!)
Someone came through and after some initial messages, started to speak directly to Paul who was drifting in and out (he later told me) of a kind of trance/meditation state.
With coaching from the spirit who was with us, Paul was able to identify and see for the first time a spirit guide that was with him.
From my own level of awareness at the time, I thought that they were trying to get him to go deep enough into trance for him to allow a communicator to come through but it now seems that the intention all along was to bring him another step forward in his own personal development –which they did with flying colours.
There was some other stuff said I believe, but as the ‘medium’ there’s not much I recall of that part. You’ll have to email Chris and ask for more details if you want them.
Brian’s back next week. I’m off to Eindhoven for a few days for work but will be back again the week after.
See the Spirits Aloud Journal, for further updates next week.
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