I'm posting this as we've had a bit of a breakthrough in the Friday circle.
The two groups are begining to come together and Spirit are starting to work more directly with us.
It seems that we may have found our physical medium...
Spirit Friends Friday March 30th
Total blackout conditions. Brian in the cabinet. Sitters and witnesses: Christine. David and Dave.
Sounds within the cabinet of coughing, choking and gurgling. Spirit speaking through Brian explained that they were trying to make adjustments to Brian's breathing. They were attempting to manipulate his voice box also. Their intention is to work towards using ectoplasm for direct voice communication.
Communication Approx 6 minutes playback
When Christine asked if Spirit could move something within the room a few thuds were then heard. When the light was put on after the séance Brian's laced-up trainer shoe was seen to be on the floor approximately 3ft from the cabinet. Brian's legs were still firmly strapped together at the ankle and when he was asked to kick or push his other shoe off he was unable to do this.
The Sanctuary
In 2007 a small group of interested people decided to set up a
home circle dedicated to learning and understanding more about Physical
This circle was named the Bristol Spirit Lodge - as Chris, whose home
hosted the circle and who created the idea, lived in Bristol at the time.
The BSL grew and evolved over time with many sitters and mediums coming
and going. I myself developed my own abilities as a Trance and Transfiguration
medium but the hoped for physical phenomena didn't appear to be on the agenda.
Much of the early development records as experienced by myself are
recorded in this blog up to the point where I really felt I was unable to add
anything new to the record.
In May 2013, some 5 yrs down the line, the BSL has relocated to Clevedon
and gone from strength to strength. Numerous new home circles have spun off and
have set up on their own and links to many others have been created
6 months ago, a young lady, wife and Mum contacted Chris to enquire
about physical mediumship. One thing led to another and she has now been sitting
in her own circle within the BSL for development with some amazing results. The
speed and level of her development has been stunning.
A few months ago, her spirit team who have been communicating through
direct voice whilst Emily has been in deep trance, told us that they wished to
form a small closed circle to sit weekly with a handful of dedicated sitters in
support to start what they called the “serious work”.
Last week was the inaugural sitting of the closed circle and what
follows below will be my own subjective account of my personal experiences
during this and subsequent sittings.
Chris will continue to update her own account of course on the BSL
on-line diary. My own diary in no way replaced these, this is just my own
personal record for my own interest and for anyone else who wants to follow.
To read the full diary and objective accounts of the other circles that meet in the Sanctuary, visit the main site at: http://www.spirit-lodge-diary.blogspot.com/

Saturday, March 31, 2007
Friday, March 30, 2007
Tuesday 27th March
Nothing to post here this week as I was away on business and missed the circle.
Apparently, as there were only 3 people left sitting that night, David went into deep trance and Paul had a chance to ask lots of questions directly from the Spirits present.
I've been promised a cd of the recordings and will post anything intresting or relevent as a transcript.
..that's all for now. more next week.
Apparently, as there were only 3 people left sitting that night, David went into deep trance and Paul had a chance to ask lots of questions directly from the Spirits present.
I've been promised a cd of the recordings and will post anything intresting or relevent as a transcript.
..that's all for now. more next week.
Monday, March 26, 2007
March 23rd 2007
This is an extra post recording a communication from a Spirit person identifying himsekf as 'Brother John' that happened during the Friday night circle. Friday night's are orientated around the development of two trance mediums (David & Brian).
I thought I'd post his here becasue the content relates directly to the work we are doing within the Tuesday Physical circle.
I wasn't present myself. The text below is a transcript of the audio recording made of the sitting.
Chris' comments are in italic.
Sitters: Christine. David. Dave. Helen.
Good evening
Nice to see you again
Thank you
As I come close the brother is um….
We welcome you
We welcome you too…
Thank you
There is a healing energy here tonight, it is an energy which you all need. As we have said many times there is a blending process and it is important that you remember that many energies will be incorporated into this Sanctuary. It is not that it is of a random nature you must understand it is necessary for the different bodies and functions that this Sanctuary will be used for.
Thank you for your help
You must understand that within the universal field there are many many energies. There are energies that are not used on the earthly plane. And these energies can be incorporated into this earthly system
There are times when you are very very impatient, but we understand your human frailty
There are things happening all of the time. Many things you have already noticed. There are many things which you have Not noticed and it will come to pas that much more will happen.There is an understanding. There is a great debate upon this Sanctuary
What is this debate?
The debate is taking place within your experience and the debate is taking place from your vision and from your hearing. The debate is taking place among ourselves. It is necessary that the correct energy is incorporated, and this can take awhile.
And as I say awhile, you must understand the times we have spoken about your perception, and your perception of Time.
The trouble is I am living in physical form and I’m afraid I might leave physical form before I finish this job!
You must not have those sort of thoughts, those are negative thoughts. I know that you jest but you must not think that way.
Will we have more sounds in this building, because those are the things we….
You are going to ask me for a time scale and I am not able and I Will Not give you those sort of thoughts. It is for you to understand that the energy IS here and it IS being blended and as I have said before there will be unexpected experiences which you may not understand. But that is not to say that it has not happened.
Will we have physical phenomena here, will beings be able to move around here with us
They Have…and you Know they have don’t you! You have heard, You are trying to move forward too much. You seem to forget the things which Have happened here.
Yes. Yes!
Will we be touched by physical beings….?
I will not be drawn on that! We know what you expect, for you talk about this often.
I am a pain in the butt …
You are enthusiastic. But we know.
Is the dome on the table of any use, is spirit going to use it at all? Is it useful to them?
There are two different energies. Once again, you must remember that in places where this has happened those energies did take awhile and once again you are trying to move too fast. When these energies are ready you will See! Yes! You hesitate? You doubt?
Yes…well..no…now and again!
More than now and again! I speak on behalf of others who you talk to, so you must have patience. You must have understanding. You must have acceptance. These are qualities that you find difficult.
You must know that your thoughts are received. Yes? Yes?
You have doubts! It does not help your cause to have those negative thoughts….they are negative. You must endeavour to have positive thoughts.
I thought I'd post his here becasue the content relates directly to the work we are doing within the Tuesday Physical circle.
I wasn't present myself. The text below is a transcript of the audio recording made of the sitting.
Chris' comments are in italic.
Sitters: Christine. David. Dave. Helen.
Good evening
Nice to see you again
Thank you
As I come close the brother is um….
We welcome you
We welcome you too…
Thank you
There is a healing energy here tonight, it is an energy which you all need. As we have said many times there is a blending process and it is important that you remember that many energies will be incorporated into this Sanctuary. It is not that it is of a random nature you must understand it is necessary for the different bodies and functions that this Sanctuary will be used for.
Thank you for your help
You must understand that within the universal field there are many many energies. There are energies that are not used on the earthly plane. And these energies can be incorporated into this earthly system
There are times when you are very very impatient, but we understand your human frailty
There are things happening all of the time. Many things you have already noticed. There are many things which you have Not noticed and it will come to pas that much more will happen.There is an understanding. There is a great debate upon this Sanctuary
What is this debate?
The debate is taking place within your experience and the debate is taking place from your vision and from your hearing. The debate is taking place among ourselves. It is necessary that the correct energy is incorporated, and this can take awhile.
And as I say awhile, you must understand the times we have spoken about your perception, and your perception of Time.
The trouble is I am living in physical form and I’m afraid I might leave physical form before I finish this job!
You must not have those sort of thoughts, those are negative thoughts. I know that you jest but you must not think that way.
Will we have more sounds in this building, because those are the things we….
You are going to ask me for a time scale and I am not able and I Will Not give you those sort of thoughts. It is for you to understand that the energy IS here and it IS being blended and as I have said before there will be unexpected experiences which you may not understand. But that is not to say that it has not happened.
Will we have physical phenomena here, will beings be able to move around here with us
They Have…and you Know they have don’t you! You have heard, You are trying to move forward too much. You seem to forget the things which Have happened here.
Yes. Yes!
Will we be touched by physical beings….?
I will not be drawn on that! We know what you expect, for you talk about this often.
I am a pain in the butt …
You are enthusiastic. But we know.
Is the dome on the table of any use, is spirit going to use it at all? Is it useful to them?
There are two different energies. Once again, you must remember that in places where this has happened those energies did take awhile and once again you are trying to move too fast. When these energies are ready you will See! Yes! You hesitate? You doubt?
Yes…well..no…now and again!
More than now and again! I speak on behalf of others who you talk to, so you must have patience. You must have understanding. You must have acceptance. These are qualities that you find difficult.
You must know that your thoughts are received. Yes? Yes?
You have doubts! It does not help your cause to have those negative thoughts….they are negative. You must endeavour to have positive thoughts.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Tuesday 19th March
Myself, Christine, David and Justin. Paul in the cabinet –trussed up like a chicken!
Overall a very quiet night. From different positions in the room, we all ‘thought’ we saw some indistinct changes in the depth of the darkness (we were in total blackout conditions) but none of these were objective, and none of us could agree on what we’d seen so we have put these down to subjective perceptions and will leave these to one side for the time being.
Both Chris and myself agreed that we had felt a very cold ‘draught’ coming from the cabinet at one point (we sit either side of the cabinet space) but the most significant event was when Justin heard a loud click or tap on the wall right next to his right ear.
I was a few feet away to his right and also heard exactly the same noise at the same time.
It wasn’t much to go on, but on an otherwise quiet evening it was the highlight of the night!
…here’s 5 grown adults, sitting round for an hour in the pitch black, getting excited because there was an unexplained tap on the wall. !! At times I wonder what on earth we are doing??? :-)
But watch this space…. So far we have only been sitting for 6 weeks and we have experienced something (even if only a tap such as last nights) on every single occasion.
Paul, who was in the cabinet, reported feeling a lot of energy in the first 30 minutes or so and then only being vaguely aware of the second half of the evening. (my guess is he was falling asleep …only kidding!)
So, that’s it for this week. Not much to go on, but highhopes for the future.
I’ll miss next weeks sitting as I’ll be away on business, but will post up a report on what does or doesn’t happen.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Tuesday 13th March.
Me in the Cabinet -8.00pm to 9.10pm
Part A
I’d felt a bit ‘spacey’ on the way down in the car and expected to have to ask them to back away, as it always makes me feel drowsy.
However, this time when I felt the energy coming quite close, it was much ‘lighter’ –more of a “high” than a “stoned” feeling. So although I was physically tired, I arrived feeling mentally alert.
Once I was strapped in to the chair and the curtains were closed I felt a sense of needing to keep to the time and knew that Chris was being reminded to start. I think I even joined in and told her to get going myself.
As soon as the first track started I felt very light headed and the room started to spin a bit. This subsided as soon as I started my own ‘cool down’ routine. I felt the energy come back very strongly and purposefully tried to open up even more to match it.
Within a short while (5 minutes?) I started to feel prickling sensations down my back (at first putting this down to the new cushions –very much more comfy than the other chair, lovely!) So I asked for confirmation if it was spirit, could they then repeat the sensation but on the opposite side. This duly happened within a minute.
Shortly after this (2, 3 or 5 minutes) I felt a ‘tickle’ on my right neck. I asked this to be repeated on the left as validation but nothing happened. I can then only assume this was a physical effect not spirit.
Again, a few minutes later I felt the sensation of what felt like a feather or something soft but firm, stroking my right cheek. This was a clear physical sensation and felt like a very light, but physical touch.
I asked for validation again on the opposite cheek and again, this happened within 30 seconds. Lighter this time than before.
No further ‘touches’ were felt after this. Although there were the usual twitches and tickles that you’d expect being strapped into a chair for 60 minutes.
For the first half of the session I did feel as though I was drifting in and out a bit, although I do feel I was present and fully aware of all the conversations and music playing at all times.
A couple of times I had to take a sudden breath as if my breathing had become so shallow, it needed a recovery breath just to keep us going J … I may have begun to doze off into sleep rather than trance!!
Part B
During the sitting, in the second half of the evening, I felt I was being made aware of someone being present. This was not someone I recognised (i.e. not a guide that I know myself –but that doesn’t rule them out of being with me, I only know a few people there personally).
The person was female, youngish by our standards but mature by hers. Dressed in dark clothing -could have been Native American but I couldn’t say for sure. I was feeling her presence more than seeing it. Very warm and ‘protective’ feeling, but not just for me, for everyone there.
If she was an N.A. (and I’m not saying she was) she seemed to be indicating support and (this sounds weird!) water. The room/enclosure she was appearing to be in was dimly lit as I couldn’t make out her features clearly. Long dark hair tied back. I felt I was being offered/shown a bowl of water and then a stream with flowing water, in which she was dipping her cupped hands and showing me water again.
Possibly I need to be drinking more water? (I do stop drinking coffee at work on a Tuesday and drink just water in the afternoon), perhaps we should have more water in the Lodge? Honestly, I have no idea.
I know I was dehydrated a bit since last weekend (big late night party on Saturday) so maybe it was that.
Shortly after that the last few songs came on (so this must’ve happened close to the end of the sitting) and we closed down –eventually!
I was left feeling quite energised and full of bounce. Mind you, by the time I got home was feeling knackered again ;-)
This evening's sitting proved to be uneventful from the sitters side of the cabinet. There we're no noises or lights during the sitting and no apparent attempts at communication from spirit.
From my perspective it wasn't quite so quiet, although my experiences were all subjective and therefore not what we are looking for through the physical 'objective' phenomena that we are hoping to encourage.
I've recorded them here anyway, just as a log of what I personally experienced.
Part A records the physical experiences I had, Part B the mental awareness.Part A
I’d felt a bit ‘spacey’ on the way down in the car and expected to have to ask them to back away, as it always makes me feel drowsy.
However, this time when I felt the energy coming quite close, it was much ‘lighter’ –more of a “high” than a “stoned” feeling. So although I was physically tired, I arrived feeling mentally alert.
Once I was strapped in to the chair and the curtains were closed I felt a sense of needing to keep to the time and knew that Chris was being reminded to start. I think I even joined in and told her to get going myself.
As soon as the first track started I felt very light headed and the room started to spin a bit. This subsided as soon as I started my own ‘cool down’ routine. I felt the energy come back very strongly and purposefully tried to open up even more to match it.
Within a short while (5 minutes?) I started to feel prickling sensations down my back (at first putting this down to the new cushions –very much more comfy than the other chair, lovely!) So I asked for confirmation if it was spirit, could they then repeat the sensation but on the opposite side. This duly happened within a minute.
Shortly after this (2, 3 or 5 minutes) I felt a ‘tickle’ on my right neck. I asked this to be repeated on the left as validation but nothing happened. I can then only assume this was a physical effect not spirit.
Again, a few minutes later I felt the sensation of what felt like a feather or something soft but firm, stroking my right cheek. This was a clear physical sensation and felt like a very light, but physical touch.
I asked for validation again on the opposite cheek and again, this happened within 30 seconds. Lighter this time than before.
No further ‘touches’ were felt after this. Although there were the usual twitches and tickles that you’d expect being strapped into a chair for 60 minutes.
For the first half of the session I did feel as though I was drifting in and out a bit, although I do feel I was present and fully aware of all the conversations and music playing at all times.
A couple of times I had to take a sudden breath as if my breathing had become so shallow, it needed a recovery breath just to keep us going J … I may have begun to doze off into sleep rather than trance!!
Part B
During the sitting, in the second half of the evening, I felt I was being made aware of someone being present. This was not someone I recognised (i.e. not a guide that I know myself –but that doesn’t rule them out of being with me, I only know a few people there personally).
The person was female, youngish by our standards but mature by hers. Dressed in dark clothing -could have been Native American but I couldn’t say for sure. I was feeling her presence more than seeing it. Very warm and ‘protective’ feeling, but not just for me, for everyone there.
If she was an N.A. (and I’m not saying she was) she seemed to be indicating support and (this sounds weird!) water. The room/enclosure she was appearing to be in was dimly lit as I couldn’t make out her features clearly. Long dark hair tied back. I felt I was being offered/shown a bowl of water and then a stream with flowing water, in which she was dipping her cupped hands and showing me water again.
Possibly I need to be drinking more water? (I do stop drinking coffee at work on a Tuesday and drink just water in the afternoon), perhaps we should have more water in the Lodge? Honestly, I have no idea.
I know I was dehydrated a bit since last weekend (big late night party on Saturday) so maybe it was that.
Shortly after that the last few songs came on (so this must’ve happened close to the end of the sitting) and we closed down –eventually!
I was left feeling quite energised and full of bounce. Mind you, by the time I got home was feeling knackered again ;-)
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
The Sanctuary - An Introduction
Welcome to The Sanctuary.
This is not going to be your average blog. …I've got one of those and you can find it at www.jonmees.blogspot.com
I am a member of a home development circle that meets each week to encourage and facilitate the physical evidence of the continuation of life beyond 'death'.
As one of the mediums in the group, I sometimes sit in a cabinet in blackout conditions, secured into a chair (so I can't move under the cover of the darkness) and allow Spirit to use my energy and that of the others in the circle to create physical phenomena that proves beyond all doubt the existence of spirit.
Other times I sit within the circle as a witness to the phenomena that occurs.
This blog is a weekly record of each séance. Of what did or did not happen as the case maybe.
Our circle has been sitting for one month now, so it is very early days and we have a lot to learn - and Spirit have a lot of work to do to create the right conditions necessary to be able to manifest into the physical world.
So far we have experienced some early signs of activity on each occasion that we have sat.
One the first evening we heard a loud thump on the floor and an aluminium 'trumpet' (a 2 foot long metal cone) was knocked to the floor.
On the next evening a light was seen to flash in one corner of the room and on the 3rd, a clear and distinct "footfall" was heard in the same corner of the room.
Not much to go on to the casual observer, but when you are in a small (8' by 12') room with only 4 good friends sitting in blackout conditions for a little over an hour, these represent very significant progress after such a short while.
We don't expect too much any time soon, but hope to hear Direct Voice and other physical phenomena in the future, which we then intend to share as proof to anyone who cares to investigate that we are all much, much more than we may think we are.
That life continues on beyond this short physical existence,
That we are all supported and guided by Spirit
That we are all part of the one all encompassing Spirit.
We aspire to helping others to understand these things, to give comfort to these who have lost loved ones and to prove beyond doubt that consciousness exists beyond the physical body.
Welcome to our Sanctuary.
This is not going to be your average blog. …I've got one of those and you can find it at www.jonmees.blogspot.com
I am a member of a home development circle that meets each week to encourage and facilitate the physical evidence of the continuation of life beyond 'death'.
As one of the mediums in the group, I sometimes sit in a cabinet in blackout conditions, secured into a chair (so I can't move under the cover of the darkness) and allow Spirit to use my energy and that of the others in the circle to create physical phenomena that proves beyond all doubt the existence of spirit.
Other times I sit within the circle as a witness to the phenomena that occurs.
In time, we hope to either see a pattern emerging, or receive guidance as to who should sit consistenly for physcial mediumship. But until then we plan to rotate the 2 or 3 potential mediums and let Spirit decide who is best suited to this work.
This blog is a weekly record of each séance. Of what did or did not happen as the case maybe.
Our circle has been sitting for one month now, so it is very early days and we have a lot to learn - and Spirit have a lot of work to do to create the right conditions necessary to be able to manifest into the physical world.
So far we have experienced some early signs of activity on each occasion that we have sat.
One the first evening we heard a loud thump on the floor and an aluminium 'trumpet' (a 2 foot long metal cone) was knocked to the floor.
On the next evening a light was seen to flash in one corner of the room and on the 3rd, a clear and distinct "footfall" was heard in the same corner of the room.
Not much to go on to the casual observer, but when you are in a small (8' by 12') room with only 4 good friends sitting in blackout conditions for a little over an hour, these represent very significant progress after such a short while.
We don't expect too much any time soon, but hope to hear Direct Voice and other physical phenomena in the future, which we then intend to share as proof to anyone who cares to investigate that we are all much, much more than we may think we are.
That life continues on beyond this short physical existence,
That we are all supported and guided by Spirit
That we are all part of the one all encompassing Spirit.
We aspire to helping others to understand these things, to give comfort to these who have lost loved ones and to prove beyond doubt that consciousness exists beyond the physical body.
Welcome to our Sanctuary.
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